Galaxy Tall Tales

Science fiction books and stories
Science fiction

Space Girl Yearning

Now available in paperback and Ebook

I am unmoored
I am adrift on the vastness of space.
I have tasted the Infinite
And the Infinite has tasted me.
(from Forever to Infinity by Selena M)

Our heroine, singer Selena M, gets the space adventure she yearns for, and then some. She flies the hijacked alien spaceship Star Choice to the Moon. “It’s actually mine,” she claims. “It crashed on my hillside.”

But various governments and militaries on Earth covet its advanced alien technology, and pursue her into space. And if they can’t have it, they’ll destroy it (and her) so nobody else can get their hands on it.

She’s all alone except for her tubular AI, Wanda, that obeys only her—usually.

Her trip around the Moon turns deadly, and Selena fights to stay alive in the loneliness of infinite space.

And aliens! Some friendly, some angry, some feeling sorry for themselves.

This story doesn’t fit the typical sci fi mold of far future, evil aliens, dystopian Earth. It’s a story of self-discovery, with aliens and some advanced technology.

This continues Selena’s story from Aliens Crashed in My Back Yard and My Spaceship Calls Out to Me.

Light-hearted, wry humor, impossibilities that make sense.

Sci fi with a soundtrack.
You can listen to the songs Selena performs on the Sci-Fi Music page

How the story starts out


Here’s what everybody said to me afterward: “Moon walk by yourself? No connection to the ship, no backup? You are abso-friggin-lutely crazy, woman!”

My defense: “It was so beautiful!”

Wanda was not thrilled that I insisted on doing a moonwalk, but I pulled rank. She tried to talk me out of it, naturally. “It’s too dangerous. Your suit may have a small undetected leak. Your helmet may not seal properly. You may have trouble walking on the surface. You are unfamiliar with your boots. You can see everything using the view space. We can take readings using the external instruments.” I wasn’t having any of this. Why would I fly all the way to the moon, then just sit inside looking out at it?

I tripped over a rock. Wasn’t watching where I was going. I went flying headlong, falling to the Moon’s surface, getting dust on my hands and knees. Dust bounced up and stuck to my faceplate, partially obscuring my vision. No hankie to wipe it off with.

I just lay there for a moment waiting to die, figuring something must have broken or sprung a leak. But no, I was still breathing. I was sure glad I had used the toilet before suiting up, because otherwise . . .

The low Moon gravity made it easy for me to push myself back up onto my feet, but I had trouble regaining my balance. I kept hopping around till I could get my feet planted solidly beneath me.

I immediately got the shakes. I was sweating and cold. Trembling so hard I could hardly function. What if I had smacked my helmet on the ground and it had sprung a leak? That would be it. My freeze-dried corpse would be a permanent addition to the Moon. Someday somebody would find my remains and say, “What an idiot!”

Here’s the beginning of a song Selena sings while on the Moon

Forever to Infinity

I am unmoored
I am adrift on the vastness of space
Like a boat, lines cast free from the shore
slowly drifting out to sea,
no rudder, no compass, no map
across the vasty void
Forever to infinity.

© 2023  Mike Van Horn