Aliens Crashed in My Back Yard

Chapters California woman risks fate of entire human race Dead and dying aliens Nursemaid to an alien Sing language Breadbox tells her story Agate and Breadbox’s great adventure My best friend is gone All hell breaks loose Quarantine. Incommunicado My 15 minutes of infamy Home phoned I want my space ship back Not that far from Zone 51 Spacegirl yearning My space ship calls out to me Epilogue

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Aliens Crashed in My Back Yard

1. California Woman Risks Fate of Entire Human Race Secrets of Immortality Gleaned from Alien Remains, trumpeted the New York Times on page 1. Yeah, those were the aliens they dug up from my property up along the California coast. And yes, I admit it, I was the one who had buried them, with the help of my friends. Had to. They were dead, and we didn’t have enough freezer space to hold them. Also, we wanted to honor them, and NOT let the government cut them up to learn their secrets. But they did that anyway. And they…

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